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non-zero scale in exponent, bc non-zero scale in exponent, runtime warning, exponent, non-zero, scale, calculator, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix token_iterator Assertion valid_ failed, token iterator assertion valid failed, boost token_iterator Assertion valid_ failed, boost token iterator assertion valid failed warning invalid conversion from char** to const char**, error invalid conversion from char** to const char**, invalid conversion from char** to const char**, invalid conversion, warning: invalid conversion from 'char**' to 'const char**', error: invalid conversion from 'char**' to 'const char**', warning, error, C++, C assignment operator C++, assignment operator, C++ error expected primary expression before token, primary expression error, error expected primary expression before token, expected primary expression before token, expected primary expression, C++ error the compiler can assume that the address of will always evaluate to 'true', the compiler can assume that the address of, will always evaluate to 'true', C++ undefined reference to ‘vtable for, undefined reference to ‘typeinfo for, ld, collect2, C++ warning cannot declare member function to have static linkage, error cannot declare member function to have static linkage, static member function, static class function, C++ warning inline function used but never defined, error inline function used but never defined, inline function used but never defined, warning, error, inline function, used but never defined, C++ copy directory containing a symbolic link, copy directory containing symbolic links, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix copy symbolic link, symbolic link, copy, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix static assertion, compile-time assertion, C++, C core dump missing, core missing, no core dump, core dump, core, C++, C stop core, stop core dump, core dump, C++, C E432: Tags file not sorted: tags, E257: cstag: tag not found, E426: tag not found:, E432: Tags file not sorted: tags E257: cstag: tag not found, E432: Tags file not sorted: tags E426: tag not found:, sort ctags file, sort ctags tags file, sort tags file, how to sort a tags file, ctags, tags, vim, vi, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix cron, crontab, cron job, cronjob, cron security, cronjob security, cron job security, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix nohup ctrl c, ctrl c kills background processes, nohup, background, processes, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix leap year, date, shell script, shell command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix tomorrow shell script, date, tomorrow's date, shell script, shell command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix yesterday shell script, shell date yesterday, linux date yesterday, date, yesterday's date, shell script, shell command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix day of week, day of week shell script, date, shell script, shell command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix non-zero scale in exponent, dc non-zero scale in exponent, runtime warning, dc, exponent, non-zero, scale, exponent, calculator, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix remainder by zero, dc remainder by zero, dc, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix strings in C, C string, C array length, C char array, char*, char[], bounded array, unbounded array, C++, C dc stop lines breaks, stop line breaks, dc, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix char*, char[], char array, struct, class, unbounded array, C++, C find tilde excel, replace tilde excel, replace, tilde, twiddle, squiggle, find a tilde, replace a tilde, find a twiddle, replace a twiddle, find a squiggle, replace a squiggle, excel, microsoft excel enable directory owner to access to all files, publicly writable directory, chmod, setgid bit, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix common lines, lines common, file, text file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix count, string, pattern, file, text file, binary file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix count, byte sequence, hexadecimal sequence, hex sequence, hexadecimal string, hex string, hexadecimal pattern, hex pattern, file, text file, binary file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix delete lines between two matching patterns, remove lines between two matching patterns, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix lines in one file but not another, file, text file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix grep hex, hex grep, find hex in file, byte sequence, hexadecimal sequence, hex sequence, hexadecimal string, hex string, hexadecimal pattern, hex pattern, binary pattern, file, text file, binary file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix join lines, join, lines, text file, text, shell command, shell, command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix stop users removing files, prevent users removing files, publicly writable directory, chmod, sticky bit, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix lines in reverse order, reverse cat, cat in reverse order, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix show lines between two matching patterns, show lines between two matching lines, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix remove characters from end, binary file, huge binary file, massive binary file, enormous binary file, long binary file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix remove characters from start, remove characters from beginning, binary file, binary, long file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix remove characters from end, text file, huge file, large file, massive file, enormous file, long file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix rsync blocks, rsync blocked, rsync blocking, rsync, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix remove characters from start, remove characters from beginning, text file, large file, huge file, massive file, enormous file, long file, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix text replace, string replace, in-place replace, inline replace, in-file replace, in-place text replace, inline text replace, in-file text replace, text substitution, perl, sed, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix path must precede expression, find path must precede expression, find path must precede expression 2, find: path must precede expression: 2, find paths must precede expression, usage: find, csh, bash, ksh, Linux, Unix git change commit messages, git, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix file size, filesize, bytes, shell command, shell, command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix ls with commas, file size with commas, filesize with commas, file size commas, filesize commas, ls filesize commas, ls file size commas, show commas in ls, ls -l, thousands separator, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix git delete commit, git delete previous commit, git remove commit, git undo commit, git reverse commit, git rollback commit, git, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix git revert all uncommitted changes, git revert uncommitted change, git revert changes, git undo uncommitted change, git undo changes, git, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix grep colors, grep colours, grep with colors, grep with colours, grep show color, grep show colours, show colors in grep, show colours in grep, grep command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix less colors, less colours, less with colors, less with colours, less show color, less show colours, show colors in less, show colours in less, less command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix less colors, less colours, control character, binary character, less, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix less keep reading a growing file, follow a growing file, shell script, shell command, less, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix ungetcc overflow, ungetcc overflow error, ungetcc, ungetcc overflow less, less ungetcc overflow, overflow, less, shell script, shell command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix fast make, parallel make, makefile, multicore, multi-CPU, multiprocessing, parallel, parallel processing, shell, shell, command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix oracle time in seconds, oracle time precision, oracle time resolution, time, seconds, sub-second time, sub-second resolution, sub-second accuracy, oracle database, oracle, database warning trigger created with compilation errors, trigger, error, errors, trigger errors, trigger warnings, oracle database, oracle, database INSERT INTO SELECT Oracle, Oracle INSERT INTO SELECT, Oracle INSERT SELECT, INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM Oracle, INSERT SELECT Oracle, Oracle INSERT FROM SELECT, INSERT FROM SELECT Oracle, INSERT AS SELECT Oracle, SELECT * FROM INSERT INTO, SELECT * INTO Oracle, Oracle SELECT * INTO, SELECT * INSERT INTO table, SELECT * INSERT INTO, INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM, Oracle INSERT FROM SELECT, INSERT SELECT Oracle, INSERT INTO SELECT * FROM, column order, different column ordering, different column order, does column order matter, is column order important, select * FROM, ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column, ORA-01722: invalid number, Oracle database, Oracle, PL/SQL, PLSQL, Pro*C, ProC, database oracle time in microseconds, time, microseconds, sub-second time, subsecond time, sub-second resolution, subsecond resolution, sub-second accuracy, subsecond accuracy, oracle database, oracle, database linux last reboot time, linux reboot time, unix last reboot time, unix reboot time, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix oracle defragment tablespace, defragment tablespace, coalesce tablespace, oracle database, oracle, database oracle version, version of oracle, oracle release, version, release, database version, release, oracle database, oracle, database sed cannot rename, sed: cannot rename, sed cannot rename permission denied, sed permission denied, temporary file bash alias taking multiple arguments, ksh alias taking multiple arguments, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix embed quotes shell, single quote, double quote, single quotes, double quotes, shell, command, string, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix sed no previous regular expression, sed expression no previous regular expression, sed expression #1 char 0 no previous regular expression shell string, containing spaces, not splitting, not breaking, shell, command, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix svn diff ignore whitespace, differences ignoring whitespace, differences ignoring spaces, svn, subversion, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix svn all log changes for a file, all log messages for a file svn, all historical changes, all changes, svn, subversion, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix svn different diff, svn another diff, svn my own diff, svn another diff command, svn my own diff command, svn different diff command, differences, svn, subversion, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix KeepAlive example code, keep alive code example, tcpip keepalive, tcp keepalive socket, setsockopt, socket, TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPINTVL, TCP_KEEPCNT, IPPROTO_TCP, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, C++, C KeepAlive defaults, default KeepAlive parameter values, default KeepAlive parameters, default KeepAlive settings, default KeepAlive values, KeepAlive, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, C++, C KeepAlive parameter ranges, KeepAlive, keep alive, tcpip keepalive, tcp keepalive socket, keep idle, keepidle, keep interval, keepintvl, keep count, keepcnt, TCP_KEEPIDLE, TCP_KEEPINTVL, TCP_KEEPCNT, socket, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, C++, C verify KeepAlive, verify keep alive, check tcpip keepalive, test tcp keepalive socket, testing KeepAlive, verifying KeepAlive, unit testing KeepAlive, socket, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, C++, C ephemeral port, ephemeral ports, temporary port, ephemeral port range, ephemeral ports range, ephemeral port number, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix what is KeepAlive, what is tcp keepalive, keep an idle socket connection alive, keep an idle socket alive, detect whether the computer at the other end of a socket is alive, detect whether a socket is alive, keep a socket connection alive, keepalive, socket, TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, C++, C columns, terminal columns, window columns, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix exit telnet, how to exit telnet, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix hide CPUs at top of top, remove CPUs at top of top, compress the processors at the top of top, top, etop, htop, linux, unix, solaris, bsd, aix highlight enclosing code block vim, find enclosing code block vim, highlight surrounding code block vim, find surrounding code block vim, enclosing code block vim, surrounding code block vim, vim fold block, collapse block, hide code block, contract, compress, code, vim vim replace with confirmation, confirmation, confirm, replace with confirm, global replace, yes/no, vim program events, program event sounds, start windows, exit windows, Sounds and Audio Devices Properties, microsoft, windows, microsoft windows expand, show, open, unfold, code, block, vim replace with confirmation, confirmation, confirm, replace with confirm, global replace, replace, yes/no, vim 香港 寬頻 優惠 hkbn referral promo code hkbn referral code hkbn promo code hkbn promocode hkbn promotion hkbn hkbn 優惠編號 香港 寬頻 優惠 香港寬頻優惠 香港寬頻優惠編號 推薦人優惠編號 find hkbn referral promo code find hkbn promo code find hkbn referral code get hkbn referral promo code get hkbn promo code get hkbn referral code